Imarai, 5th grade MYOB Summer Camper
At Mind Your Own Business summer camp we do lots of excellent things. Friday we had an open house. Our open house was crunk. We performed. My first performance was the Waka Waka next, I performed Pretty Bad Jammers after that, I performed my commercial last, I performed let’s move. When everything was over we had got a little snack and something to drink and went back to class. Then we started selling our product was picture frames. We made 99 dollars from selling frames. Thanks to the parents!
Fatimah, 5th grade MYOB Summer Camper
The talent show was great and so was the open house. We sold tons of products and got a lot of money. We also had tons of parents at the open house buying our products. Also that Friday we went up against 4th grade for a ‘friendly’ competition. Let’s just say when we came out we came out winners. We won because we had a seventh grader on our team, and she went through the entire competition without missing a single question.
Emmanuel, 5th grade MYOB Summer Camper
On Friday, July 8, 2011 , we had our MYOB Open House . It was a very great time watching the performances and the commercials. The costumes were pretty and the dances were well put together. My favorite part about the open house would actually have to be watching and cheering on the Kindergarteners performance. I really liked how Mrs. Kristin and all the other workers set –up the background on our stage and the cafeteria. It was very welcoming! Well I had a fantastic time and hope you did too!
Andrea, 5th grade MYOB Summer Camper