Monday, July 11, 2011

Summer Camp Open House

Good morning MYOB summer campers. I’m here because Friday was excellent and splendid. We did a Talent Show / Open House it was awesome. Friendship is well I made bunch of friend when I came this summer camp. The 5th graders also finished Chasing Vermeer. The book was really long. It was a mystery book. Tomorrow we are going to the River Market. Wednesday is going Wild River Country and is the last day them MOYB Summer Camp.

Imarai, 5th grade MYOB Summer Camper

At Mind Your Own Business summer camp we do lots of excellent things. Friday we had an open house. Our open house was crunk. We performed. My first performance was the Waka Waka next, I performed Pretty Bad Jammers after that, I performed my commercial last, I performed let’s move. When everything was over we had got a little snack and something to drink and went back to class. Then we started selling our product was picture frames. We made 99 dollars from selling frames. Thanks to the parents!

Fatimah, 5th grade MYOB Summer Camper

The talent show was great and so was the open house. We sold tons of products and got a lot of money. We also had tons of parents at the open house buying our products. Also that Friday we went up against 4th grade for a ‘friendly’ competition. Let’s just say when we came out we came out winners. We won because we had a seventh grader on our team, and she went through the entire competition without missing a single question.

Emmanuel, 5th grade MYOB Summer Camper

On Friday, July 8, 2011 , we had our MYOB Open House . It was a very great time watching the performances and the commercials. The costumes were pretty and the dances were well put together.     My favorite part about the open house would actually have to be watching and cheering on the Kindergarteners performance. I really liked how Mrs. Kristin and all the other workers  set –up the background on our stage and the cafeteria. It was very welcoming! Well I had a fantastic time and hope you did too!
Andrea, 5th grade MYOB Summer Camper

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Learn More About Us

The math we do in our competitions are addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. On each team there are eight or more people. The first person from goes up to the front desk, and Mr. Cooper gives the two people a math problem. Whoever says the product first gets a point. When I get a turn, I am really in a hurry to say the product first before the other person beside me. The next time I get a turn I’m gonna  get it first.
Brailah, 4th grade MYOB Summer Camper
At camp, we have math competitions, like one side of the room goes against the other side of the room. And Ms.Bre’ or Mr. Cooper takes score. Ms. Bre’ is our AmeriCorps teacher, and Mr.Cooper is our summer camp teacher here. Sometimes for the competitions we do adding, subtraction, and multiplication, and we’re working on rounding numbers, too. 
Kayla G., 4th grade MYOB Summer Camper
The highlight of mind your own business summer camp to me is our afternoon class.  In our afternoon class, the highlight moment to me was when we were making a talk show. While getting ready to show Mrs. Stacie the talk show, I noticed I couldn’t do it alone, so Kayla M. helped me. Now I know I can do it with a little help.
Kennedy, 4th grade MYOB Summer Camper
MYOB summer camp is educational because in the morning time we learn math, reading, science, and writing. We try so hard to be the best we can be. I have improved my multiplication.
Imarai, 5th grade MYOB Summer Camper
In summer camp we have been on a lot of field trips. The first field trip we went to was Law School. The 5th graders only went there. The second field trip that the whole summer camp went to was the movies. We went to go see Cars 2nd. Last Friday we went to the Pinnacle Mountain. The last field trip is going to be the funniest. We are going to go to Wild River Country!!!!! All of the field trips that we went to were fun. I bet Wild River Country would be a BLAST!! Thank you for reading my paragraph!!! ;)
Maria, 5th grade MYOB Summer Camper
 It is important for students to have summer learning because 90% percent of the class might lose what they learn last year. There are some things you can learn from going to a summer camp. You can learn how to make frames and how to start a company, and you can learn other things too.
 Well I hope you come to this blog again soon.        
Michelle, 5th grade MYOB Summer Camper

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

5th Graders Join the Blog

After a brainstorming session yesterday, MYOB fifth graders are joining the fourth graders on the blog. Read more about the fifth graders' experiences at summer camp.

In Mind Our Own Business Summer Camp we learn how to own our own business.  We sell our product so that people who want to go to college (UALR) can get a scholarship. At the River Market on July 12, 2011, that’s when we are selling our product. We also accept generous donations.
The 5th graders are making picture frames. They are made out of rolled up magazines. The 8 by 8 ½ are $8.00. Last Friday we went to Pinnacle Mountain .The Friday before that we went to see CARS 2. It was funny. We have a morning class and an afternoon class. Our morning teacher is Ms. Shrider and our afternoon class teacher is Ms. Jackie. In the morning we learn about math and literacy.
A.J. - 5th grade MYOB Summer camper
It is important for students to have summer learning because students would not forget the things we learned in school. Important things I learned this summer was how to make picture frames and our responsibilities for owning a business. Also, I learned about a famous artist named Johannes Vermeer and his paintings. In our camp we have two different classes. We have a morning class and an afternoon class. In our morning class we learn about math, reading and writing. Also, we are reading an interesting book called Chasing Vermeer. Yesterday 4th and 5th grade drew a self portrait picture. In the afternoon class we are doing picture frames. They are made of re-cycled magazine paper. We are almost done with all of our hand-made product. Our product name is PPF (Picture Perfect Frames). We go to field trips every Friday. Our first field trip we went to was Bowen School of Law. We had a lot of fun there. I’m the President of our business committee team and my job is to make sure everything goes out smooth and that everybody is doing their job correctly. The money we make will go to the UALR Children International Scholar Ship Fund.                                                                            The END……..
Liza - 5th grade MYOB Summer camper

My morning and afternoon teachers are so nice. My morning teacher fun. We do activities that are fun. We learn math, reading, and writing. In the morning we read an awesome book about 2 children trying to find a lady writing the book is called “Chasing Vermeer”. Our afternoon teacher is so nice she let us do activities and she also let us start on a WONDERFUL!!! Project. The project we are making is picture frames. We went on a fieldtrip at the Bowen Law School and learned everything about Business and how to sell it.

Jakevious - 5th grade MYOB Summer Camper

Check out fifth graders in the lab blogging.

Fourth grade is keeping up with their daily blog entries.

We have fun doing Math Competitions. They are fun. Our cass get’s divided into two parts team 1 and team two. I am in team two. The goal of the game is to know your multiplication and sometimes your division. Mr. Cooper is the our morning teacher. He is the one who asks the multiplication facts. Ms. Bri takes  score but when a team is not even she let’s the odd person take score. When a team wins that team usually get’s candy. I like it when Mr. Cooper gives me starburst. I hope I have the winning team next time!!! I really like it when we have a friendly MATH COMPETITIONS. I REALLY LOVE MATH. I like summer school.
Jacqueline - 4th grade MYOB Summer Camper
Once in a while we do math after math we have a math competition. They are fun accept they are really hard. Some of them are hard not all of them. The math competition are like two teams Team A and Team B, and then we do math problems like 10 x5, 3x6 and 5x6. Recently it’s a tie. Team A won 4 and Team B won 4. Now I’m on Team B. The problems are getting harder and harder.
Clayten - 4th grade MYOB Summer camper
Stay tuned for more summer camp fun. Happy Wednesday!!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

In Our Own Words

My teacher is so nice because we are doing some books. The name of the books are special noted books. We are sell them for $3, and the fancy ones we are sell them for $4. We are selling them at the river market. The 5th grade are making picture frame, 3rd is making purses.  We are so proud to be in this summer camp because we learn so much stuff here.  Children’s International is helping use with are books. That is my story.                                                 The End…
Keyera, 4th grade MYOB Summer camper

On the first day I was nervous because I thought the teachers were going to be mean.  When I got to class I saw my friend Kayla I was not so nervous any more. I thought the teachers were mean but they are nice. We are making a product called specially noted books and we are going to sell them at the river market.
Then I met my afternoon teacher she is nice. One day Mr. Cooper  wasn’t here Ms.bre had told us to do Input output then we watch a movie called Madagascar that was fun. I was nervous because I thought I was by myself.
Audrey, 4th grade MYOB Summer camper


Check it out! Summer Campers in action.


Stay tuned for more MYOB Summer Camp news and photos. Have a happy Tuesday!!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

MYOB: What We Do

Mind Your Own Business Summer Camp is a summer camp provided by UALR Children International made up of Kindergarten through Fifth grade.
                Mind Business Summer Camp is a summer camp that teaches you to have the ability to start your own business. The day at Mind Your Business Summer Camp (MYOB Summer Camp)is split up into 2 halves of a day, the first half of the day is based on Math, Reading, and Writing. In that class we have a morning writing prompt and math. Our latest writing prompt was on if we won a MILLION DOLLARS. We had some awesome stories. In math we are working on Input/output.
                In the second half of the day we learn how to create our own business. Every class is making their own product. Those classes are made up of Kindergarteners through Fifth grade a teacher and 1 to 2 AmeriCorps members. We are learning business terms and other things to making a product and a business. Each grade is making a different business in fourth grade we are making notebooks our company name is Specially Noted Books .in the process of making a business we had to elect our VP of Design, Marketing, Finance and, Sales. On Tuesday, July 12, 2011 MYOB Summer camp will be saling their products starting at 9:00a.m. Ending at 2:00p.m.
Follow us on
-Kayla M., 4th grade MYOB summer camper
What we do at my mind your own business summer camp is fun. We play games, we do math, we do plays, and we do writing prompts. We go on field trips. Our first field trip we went on was to go to the movies to see CARS 2. Tommorow we are going to PINACLE MOUNTAIN! Our last field trip we are going to WILD RIVER COUNTRY!
I am having so much fun at this summer camp. There is no other summer camp like this one. We have to classes a morning class and a afternoon class. Our morning class teachers are Mr.Cooper and  Ms.Bre’. Our afternoon teachers are Ms.Stacie and Ms.Ree and Mr.Dominic. They are all nice teachers.
In our morning class we are learning input output. In our afternoon class we are making notebooks. We are going to sell them at the River Market on July the 12th. The plain ones are $3.00, and the fancy ones are $4.00. We are hoping to get a profit of $430.00. Thank you for reading this dear reader.
-Devin, 4th grade MYOB summer camper
Take a look at what we've been doing at summer camp!!
Stay tuned for more MYOB updates as camp processes.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Welcome to Summer Camp

Follow along as you read tales from the fourth grade students at UALR Children International Mind Your Own Business Summer Camp.

Seventeen students will share their experiences and stories about participating in a math and literacy summer camp geared toward teaching children about creating and implementing a business plan.

Over the course of four weeks, students (K-5) will handcraft products to sell as part of their business. Each grade will produce a different product. This year's products include: duct tape wallets and clutches, recycled magazine picture frames, recycled magazine beaded necklaces and keychains, hodge podge drink coasters, and other items made from recycled materials.

Each day, two students will post stories related to summer camp and their experiences. Follow along with them as they venture into the world of writing, blogging and photography.

Take a look into the creative minds of 4th graders. Hold on tight. It's going to be an amazing journey.